VIVIAN | Fordi det er en nødvendighed. Når min krop under træningen 'falder på plads', er det umuligt at fastholde negative tanker og gamle mønstre. Min bevidsthed ændrer sig og livet bliver enkelt. |
HANS | Jeg træner, fordi jeg kan mærke, at min krop har det godt med det. Jeg kan nu mærke hele min krop, hvad jeg aldrig før har kunnet. Jeg mærker også, at jeg på en eller anden måde formår at gøre ting på den rigtige måde, det være sig i alle livets forhold. Jeg mærker også energien i kroppen, og at jeg kan styre den f.eks. ned i lænden, hvor jeg med tiden vil kunne reparere gamle skader. Energien åbner op for nye fantastiske ting. |
KAROLINE BUDTZ, SANGER OG UNDERVISER | Jeg har trænet sammen med Jette i en del år. I perioder har jeg trænet formen hver dag, og jeg føler jeg kender den ganske godt. Ikke desto mindre, kan jeg fortsat - med den meget præcise og nuancerede korrektion Jette giver - nå dybere niveauer i kroppen. Ved at gennemgå formen så minutiøst og langsomt, som vi gør i træningen, bryder jeg igennem til nye lag, som gør en forskel. |
BIRGIT B. MOGENSEN | Jeg går til Xing shen Zhuang fordi: |
MADS SCHMIDT | Jeg er tit blevet spurgt, hvad træningen gør for mig og udover standartsvar som fysisk velvære og indre ro, er der altid en ting der dukker op i mit hoved. |
ELSE HARTMANN GROTH | Balance og indre ro har været nøgleordene for mig gennem de seneste år - jeg har et meget krævende job, der stiller store krav til både min fysik, psyke og mentale tilstand; hertil har jeg familie og børn, der også kræver fuld tilstedeværelse. Med XSZ har jeg fundet den vej, der giver mig mulighed for at være nærværende både hos mig selv, hjemme og på jobbet. Gennem træningen opnår jeg at være langt mere nærværende og tilstede i nuet - hvilket har stor betydning for mit virke med bl.a. stressede kollegaer. Hertil kommer, at jeg i dag positivt har fået bearbejdet de fysiske og psykiske eftervirkninger fra en hård fødsel. Min livskvalitet er forbedret og kærligheden til mig selv, andre og livet i det hele taget er ændret markant med træningen. Under træning og meditation har jeg flere gange oplevelsen af "at komme hjem" - finde ind i mig selv eller bare være i mit naturlige jeg. |
ALLAN JOHANSEN | På grund af arbejdsskader begyndte jeg for ca. 6 år siden at træne Zhang Zhuang (en anden type Chi kung) og har på trods af de resultater jeg har opnået hermed, følt at der manglede noget. |
BODIL | Jeg træner - igen og igen og så igen - fordi det gør mig bedre og bedre til at være mig. ( Fra at være et "fysisk og mentalt vrag" med en død knudret krop fra halsen og ned med et hyperaktivt hysterisk sind, er jeg langsomt blevet mere og mere ’bodymind’ med en levende krop og et roligere sind.) Jeg kan godt lide at mærke, hvordan de gentagne fysiske korrektioner samtidig korrigerer mine tanker, følelser og handlinger. Efterhånden som der bliver mere frihed og bevægelighed og beherskelse i kroppen, sker den samme proces i sindet. Jeg kan godt lide den tanke, at processen er uendelig, og at jeg "bare skal fortsætte". Der er ikke noget, jeg skal "regne ud". Formen er intelligent. Wauv. |
SUSANNE, TANDPLEJER | Væk en Hvid Tiger i dig: |
GROVER | This weekend was truly amazing, and I think that I pretty much sum it up for everyone when I say that its something we can't be grateful enough for. Jette has the patience of Job and really made us learn all the movements, not only through the note taking but especially with her voice. I had my first solo run yesterday and its amazing how much I still remember. My form is far from perfect, but if it wasn't there would not be a need to be practicing it, so don’t get discouraged guys, this is the time to learn and tighten it all up, or relax it all down... A million thanks to David and the Masters for being truly compassionate and allowing us to learn such great knowledge so that we could attain compassion ourselves and grow on our paths. This is bigger than we can ever imagine. |
RENE | I feel very fortunate to have been part of this group that was taught by Jette. I was amazed at not only her breadth of knowledge but her patience with us as well. The way she could read each of us and give a short body history with specific recommendations was impressive to say the least. It was an intense week and we stopped for meals but generally went on until 10pm. So much to learn, so little time. I can still hear Jette firmly reminding me to "grow" and extend, which is great because after so much drilling, it's finally becoming second nature. Jette was also incredibly perceptive about the level of mental distraction we experienced with pain, etc. during certain exercises. It was funny how at one moment when I was mentally yelling at myself about pain in my back she (within seconds) would stop leading us and firmly say, "Get back, concentrate." Several others I spoke to also had the same experience, they thought she was addressing them. It was also interesting how I thought I was in fairly good condition - I had been doing capoeira, handstand pushups, etc. and yet I was really struggling through some of the positions. I mean I was really huffing and puffing. I look over at Jette and she is holding the same position while continuously speaking and coaching us, not even breathing hard or breaking a sweat. It really gave me pause to think, this is just the beginning. Jette brought her top student, Kirsten, to help us and it was great to get all the feedback and extra help, she was a great teacher as well. I also enjoyed hanging out with the rest of the group. I'd like to thank Jette, Kirsten, Sean, David and all his masters for bringing this teaching here to the US. |
AUTHER | I would like to thank Jette for making it (the course) such a valuable and pleasant learning experience. Not only is she a great teacher but absolutely approachable. I think each one of us made a connection with her as well as with each other on a personal level. Every night after training she would cut into her sleep to stay up into the night answering questions and regaling us with some of her own experiences. You can tell that she really cares about her students, she gave to us directly from her heart. We've all had a glimpse at the importance of true transmission. The group was amazing also. In coming to the seminar of course my main goal was to learn as much as possible, that I did, but this group of guys made it a pleasure to do so. I've never had so much fun with such a large group of what were initially strangers, all so different yet utterly in sync where it counts. Thanks to Kirsten also who mirrored the patience of her own teacher in helping us around our learning curve. She served as an example and inspiration for what lots of hard work can get us. |
DEREK | This experience has definitely changed everything for me. I can't wrap my head around it which is a good thing since that has always been one of my problems in the first place. I did not expect more than a physical form that might change me over a few months or years. The gifts I received were far beyond my expectations and far beyond what I had considered possible. Sometimes it is difficult but even those aspects are vital and beautiful. |
ENISHI | This was a remarkable trip, I felt a deep unity of purpose with the everyone else that I do not often have the opportunity to experience. Like others, I was very much impressed by Jette's patience and grasp of the intricacies of the form. The other stuff I 've practiced in the past was nothing compared to this, I couldn't believe that such seemingly simple movements could contain so much complexity and depth (or that they could be so physically difficult!) Watching Jette and Kirsten easily slip into movements that 17 of us guys puffing and moaning was by itself enough to communicate that this is no mere illusion! My overall posture has changed, I feel more confident than I have in the past. I have noticed that my emotions seem to alternate more than usual, one minute I will feel peaceful and elated, the next I'll feel the weight of many past years of regret, sadness, and self-loathing pass through me. It's a bit scary at times, but I have no intentions of turning back! |
TIM | Quite honestly I didn't know what to expect coming to the seminar, I was a bit afraid because I didn't want to be disappointed or see some really crazy stuff that would scare me dead cold. The seminar was pleasantly in the middle and the best word to describe it despite sounding kind of "far-out-spacey" is magical. Jette is super awesome, patient, has great teaching skills, and easy going but very serious when it's go time. I have to agree with everyone else in how it seemed like she was sensing our distractions, it was pretty amazing. Having Kirsten come to the seminar as well really boosted things up; it was easy to see why she's Jette's top student. As lame as it will sound I got lost in Jette and Kirsten's eyes at times when they looked at me and it was like, "Whoa what the?". Training with the U.S. group was amazing and hilarious! I haven't (earlier) felt that comfortable in a large group of strangers that quick. Considering that all we did was eat, train, chat, and sleep it's amazing how quickly the days went. The seminar gave me four things: direction, inspiration, reassurance, and friends. I now can train and know I'm going somewhere. Thank you everyone from the bottom of my achy breaky heart! Many great thanks to David and his masters for allowing us to partake in the training. I don't think any of us can show how much we appreciate their compassion nor perhaps even comprehend it. |
RISH | I found Jette's style of teaching to be very well balanced. Very hard and demanding one moment just hanging and nourtering the next. Her intimate knowledge of the human anatomy gave keen insight into the how and why a movement was done, and the purpose of that movement. Also I have to say, that Jette was very down to earth with no big ego. When she made corrections on the form she would push or pull your body to have the proper alignment, but with the touch of a therapist trying to help there patient. |
BENT | Jeg har trænet Xing shen Zhuang i snart fem år, Sheng Sheng Gong i to-tre år. |